06-05-2024 01:52 AM Jerusalem Timing

Abbas Sends Condolences to Racist Rabbi Family

Abbas Sends Condolences to Racist Rabbi Family

It was only moderately surprised when the British and American ambassadors to the Zionist entity joined mourners of rabbi Ovadia Yosef, one of the most racist and misogynist rabbis. But it was shocking when Mahmoud Abbas did it.

Palestinian President Mahmoud AbbasIt was only moderately surprised when the British and American ambassadors to the Zionist entity joined mourners of rabbi Ovadia Yosef, one of the most racist and misogynist rabbis. But it was really shocking when Mahmoud Abbas did it.

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas paid tribute to the late Shas leader and former chief rabbi Yosef, who died Monday at the age of 93, The Times of Israel website reported.

During a meeting with 12 MKs at his office in Ramallah, Abbas asked the Israeli lawmakers to send his condolences to the revered rabbi’s family in the name of the Palestinian people.

He recalled that he had met in the past “with members of the family” of Yosef — a reference to Yosef’s daughter — and asked the Zionist legislators to “please pass my condolences” to the rabbi’s relatives.

The Palestinian leader’s words surprised some Israelis, as they recalled that Yosef had cursed Abbas just three years ago.

“May all the nasty people who hate Israel, such as Abbas, vanish from our world. May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel,” Yosef was quoted as having said in 2010.

For those who do not know Yosef, he was the man who had long period of time to spread his poison against non-Jews. Following are few prominent quotes of Yosef which took the lead in committing racist crimes inside and outside the Occupied Territories:

"The goyim (non-Jews) were created to serve us. This is their only function in the world, serving the people of Israel. They will work, dig the earth and reap. And we remain seated and eat. If God gives them life, this is just like donkeys. To better serve the Jews," he said in October 16, 2010 sermon.

But the Arabs, and especially the Palestinians, are the worst of all:
"These are venomous snakes that must be annihilated. It is forbidden to have any pity for them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them (Arabs). They are the devil and are damned," Yosef said in April 9, 2001 sermon on the Passover.

Women are not left out in the sermons of this racist individual:

"A woman without a son is worthless ... When you hear them (women) speak in their section to the synagogue, it is their toilet. That's what their brain is all about."

And we still wonder how someone, who claims to represent the Palestinian people, can indulge in such meanness in sending condolences to the sinister creature?