04-05-2024 01:49 PM Jerusalem Timing

Republicans: Iran’s Arrest of Marines "Humiliation for US"

Republicans: Iran’s Arrest of Marines

Reactions in the US over Iran’s detention of American marines have recently been increased as the White House denied Washington’s apology to Tehran over crossing the territorial water of the Islamic Republic.

US marines arrested in IranReactions in the US over Iran's detention of American marines have recently been increased as the White House denied Washington's apology to Tehran over crossing the territorial water of the Islamic Republic.

The Republican Party took advantage of the incident and pointed fingers at the US administration for "humiliating the marine personnel," criticizing President Barack Obama for their dealing with the Iranian file.

"You have seen the poor men on the boat bowing on their knees. I told you earlier ... if this happened after two weeks from now, the Iranians wouldn't get their money," Republican candidate Donald Trump said.

"They are smart and will get $ 150 billion," he added.

US marines arrested in IranStatement of US Vice President Joe Biden, who stressed that the United States did not apologize to Iran for the marines' entrance into the territorial waters, seems will fail to delete the image of the US Navy soldiers in a humiliating situation.

"There is nothing to apologize for. Do you apologize for a problem in your boat? We will not apologize and there is no need for it," Biden said.

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said hat 10 US marines were released after they apologized for crossing Tehran's territorial water "by mistake."

US Secretary of State John Kerry, has directly thanked the Iranian authorities for their "rapid response" to release the marines and that they have been treated well.

"Resolve this issue peacefully and effectively proves the vital role played by diplomacy to maintain the safety, security and strength of our country," he added.