20-04-2024 05:38 AM Jerusalem Timing

Nahda Official: Palestinians Must Beware of Being Involved in Foreign Conflicts

Nahda Official: Palestinians Must Beware of Being Involved in Foreign Conflicts

On the sidelines of the open media day for the support of Palestinian cause, al-Manar website conducted and interview with Sheikh Abdul Fattah Moro, Deputy-Chairman of the Tunisian El-Nahda movement.

On the sidelines of the open media day for the support of Palestinian cause, al-Manar website conducted and interview with Sheikh Abdul Fattah Moro, Deputy-Chairman of the Tunisian El-Nahda movement.

Sheikh Moro stressed that Palestine remains the central cause of the nation, despite all developments the region has been witnessing. He warned against driving Palestinians into conflicts taking place in some Arab countries.

According to Moro, these conflicts are aimed at imposing new Sykes-Pico agreement through sectarian strife which is aimed at wiping out the mother-cause, which is Palestine.

Sheikh Abdul Fattah MoroQuestion # 1: November 29 is the international day for supporting the Palestinian cause. In your opinion where is the Palestinian cause today and why is it somehow ignored?

Answer: The Palestinian cause is still in the heart of the Arabs, Muslims’ concerns. In Tunisia, we consider it one of the firm issues because we strongly believe that the Palestinian cause is an issue of colonialism and settlement of the occupiers. This issue has represented racism as the Zionists expelled the indigenous people of the land, who are the Palestinians, from their cities and towns in order to settle others who were brought from outside.

Actually, we can’t disregard that every country was busy with its internal issues. And we have seen how local crises were noticeably erupting, something that took the entire attention of the people of these countries.

However, these conditions don’t deny the fact that the Palestinian cause is still the mother-cause which unites the Arabs on one destiny. For that, we consider liberating the occupied Palestinian territories as ensuring of our existence. And as long as a part of the Arab world is still occupied, then the nation will not feel its freedom and will not realize its identity.

Question # 2: Today, some find in the region developments a scheme to wipe out the Palestinian cause. They argue that some Palestinians are busy with Arab and foreign issues as we are learning that some Palestinians are being killed outside their land in favor of other issues. What do you say regarding this point of view?

Answer: Some feel that what is planned for the region is to head for more division, a scheme that echoes the so-called Sykes-Picot agreement which took place at the beginning of the last decade. As we look into the ongoing escalating conflicts in the region, it seems that there is indeed an international decision to inflame the Arab countries in a way that leads to division.

Otherwise, regarding our Palestinian brothers, I think that driving them into the internal strife of other countries is planned. This plan aims to put an end to Palestinians’ liberation actions which rely on efforts inside the occupied territories and activities outside. In conclusion, it is wanted for the Palestinians to be involved in these conflicts in order to get rid of them.

Sheikh Abdul Fattah MoroQuestion # 3: What about the sectarian congestion, which is spreading all over the region today, and the inciting rhetoric? What are the repercussions of these on the Palestinian cause?

Answer: In fact, this is a new catastrophe. Those who belong to different sects could live peacefully with each others for long years in the Arab world.
In addition to the explosion the Arab region is witnessing, it has been worked to increase the sectarian congestion in order to disrupt the whole region, so that the Arabs will be internally paralyzed and busy with conflicts that have no solution.  Today, the dispute is being portrayed as ideological one, and it is impossible to solve such dispute through force.

Those who are engaged in the sectarian strife want to put aside those who are different from them, something that could lead to long-lasting wars that will not end but when one of the fighting sides is ended, and this is very dangerous. And the more dangerous is when our Palestinian brothers are engaged in these wars or when their choices are affected in a way that paralyzes their movement and resistance.

Question # 4: In your opinion, what can be done in order to revive the Arabs’ interaction with this cause, and to redirect the compass again towards this central cause?

Answer: Arabs have to gather, unite and confront the foreign will which wants for the Arab world to sink in internal conflicts that will never stop, something which is very dangerous. Putting an end to these internal conflicts is to awaken the people towards the Palestinian cause which we still consider it the mother-cause.