27-07-2024 03:40 AM Jerusalem Timing

Iran: Russia to Build More Nuclear Power Plants

Iran: Russia to Build More Nuclear Power Plants

Russia has signed a preliminary agreement to build at least two more nuclear power plants in the Iranian port of Bushehr

Russia has signed a preliminary agreement to build at least two more nuclear power plants in the Iranian port of Bushehr, Iran's official news agency (IRNA) reported on Wednesday.

"Iran and Russia reached a preliminary agreement to build at least two new nuclear power plants," Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said.

The two new 1,000 megawatt plants will be constructed alongside the existing power station in Bushehr, which was also built by Russia, Kamalvandi added.

Kamalvandi said that the deal was reached after talks held in Tehran on Tuesday with Nikolai Spasskiy, Rosatom Deputy CEO for International Relations.

This preliminary agreement will be signed officially by Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the AEOI, and Sergei Kirienko, Rosatom Chief Executive Officer, and further talks will be held on technical and financial aspects of the project, Kamalvandi added.