27-07-2024 06:11 AM Jerusalem Timing

Behind The Scenes: Downfall of Syrian Government Almost Impossible

Behind The Scenes: Downfall of Syrian Government Almost Impossible

Following the the Syrian military achievements in Yabroud and Rankous xperts say the downfall of the Syrian government has become almost impossible.

•    The recent military developments on many Syrian regions and the achievements in Yabroud and Rankous represent a major and devastating blow to the takfiri groups in Syria. Military experts say the downfall of the Syrian government has become almost impossible, they predicted the Syrian official forces are fighting a war of attrition against the military and takfiri groups in a highly planned and selective way.

Syrian army soldier

•    Western observers and diplomats have expressed admiration and appreciation for the active role the Lebanese parliament has performed recently. They also expressed hope that this will produce positive atmosphere on the government work and on the country as a whole.Lebanese Parliament

•     Jordan is expected to usher in a major shift in its policies towards Syria, after the recent clashes between the Jordanian forces and takfiri groups across the border. Jordanian authorities are convinced those groups have become more dangerous to Jordan's security than to Syria.

Jordan flag