27-07-2024 10:17 AM Jerusalem Timing

‘Pilot Program’ Revealed: Washington Sends Missiles to Syria Terrorists

‘Pilot Program’ Revealed: Washington Sends Missiles to Syria Terrorists

The US is sending missiles to Syrian terrorists as part of a “pilot program” to strengthen the militant groups, American media reveals.

The US is sending missiles to Syrian terrorists asSyria Terrorists part of a “pilot program” to strengthen the militant groups, American media reveals. Addressing criticism the US is arming extremist militants, Washington claims its weapons will not “fall into the wrong hands.”

Washington’s new initiative aims to find out whether it can supply opposition forces in Syria with weapons without them falling into the hands of extremists, American officials told USA Today on condition of anonymity.

"They will try this first and see how it goes" before expanding it, said a former official. According to reports, militant groups have already received anti-tank missiles, known as TOWs, which are specially designed to destroy tanks and pierce reinforced bunkers.