27-07-2024 05:56 AM Jerusalem Timing

Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Ready to Invade Galilee, beyond Galilee

Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah Ready to Invade Galilee, beyond Galilee

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah asserted that the Islamic Resistance is ready to invade Galilee and the Israeli settlements which lie beyond Galilee during any upcoming war against the Zionist entity.

Mohamed Salami

Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah asserted that the Islamic Resistance is ready to invade Galilee and the Israeli settlements which lie beyond Galilee during any upcoming war against the Zionist entity.

During an exclusive interview with Al-Mayadeen TV Network broadcast live on Al-Manar Channel, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that the Resistance will not resort only to the missiles to defend Lebanon, so it prepared its fighters to be able to invade Galilee in case their leadership ordered them. “When the resistance leadership... asks you (fighters)... to enter into Galilee, that means the resistance must be ready to enter into Galilee and to go even beyond the Galilee.”

Stronger Than Ever Before

Hezbollah Secretary General said that despite Hezbollah current preoccupations, it has accumulated and sustained its military power, adding that the Israeli enemy has acknowledged that the party is gaining huge military experiences from various battlefields.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that the resistance has every conceivable type of weapon, revealing that it has possessed Fateh 110 missiles since 2006 war.

"The resistance also has the weaponry that is much more sophisticated."

Hezbollah Secretary General said that the party follows a permanent plan to develop its abilities and that in 2015 the resistance is stronger than ever before.

His eminence noted, "We do not limit our human and military capabilities."

Hezbollah leader stressed that the Resistance cannot tolerate the Israeli assaults, adding that the party considers that the terrestrial, marine and aerial violations besides the assassinations and the assault as red lines which cannot be surpassed by the Zionists.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Hezbollah will respond to any Israeli violation in the way that he finds suitable."The repeated bombings that struck several targets in Syria are a major violation, and we consider that any strike against Syria is a strike against the whole of the resistance axis, not just against Syria."

However, he added that the resistance does not compel itself to respond in a manner that may serve the Zionist interests.

Sayyed Nasrallah clarified that the Resistance's operation against the Zionist occupation troops on Shebaa Farms in 2014 responded to the Israeli deliberate murder of Hezbollah fighter who was dismantling a Zionist surveillance device.

Concerning the Israeli recurrent air raids against targets in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah said that all the axis of resistance is concerned with responding to the attacks, stressing that the response may take place at any time.  

“Yes, such a decision could be taken. This is something open that might happen at any given time. This axis has the ability to respond."

“No one has given a commitment that the attacks against Syria will remain without a response.This is the right of the axis of resistance and it is not Syria's right exclusively,” he added. “When will this right be practiced? This depends on certain criteria that will be taken into consideration,” His eminence said.

Sayyed Nasrallah revealed that the Israeli air raids were part of the militants' plan to attack the Syrian army, pointing to the communication between the Israeli military and the terrorist groups in Golan and Quneitra. 

Hezbollah Secretary General said that the party does not deploy military units on Golan Heights, yet that it is ready to assist the public resistance against the Israeli occupation in the area.

"The Zionist entity is no longer able to achieve any military victory in Lebanon after its failure in its recent war on Gaza," Sayyed Nasrallah underscored, "I do not eliminate the possibility of a war with the Zionist entity, yet 'Israel' does not launch a war if it is not sure of being able to achieve victory."

Spy Issue Highly Exaggerated

Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the US-Zionist security violation of Hezbollah was highly exaggerated by media, revealing that Hezbollah detected a spy who worked in favor of the Israeli enemy but did not have any relation with the military structure of the resistance and that he was not of a high rank in the party’s security apparatus. “We busted a Hezbollah official who was recruited by the US intelligence and subsequently the Israeli intelligence, but the issue has been greatly exaggerated,” he said.

“He was never in charge of my protection and had never come close to any Hezbullah missile unit. He had nothing to do with the entire military structure of the resistance,” Sayyed Nasrallah indicated.

“Infiltrations are part of the war between us and Israel and part of the battle's losses and we must expect things of this kind,” he added.

His eminence added that social environment of the resistance does not embrace spy work in favor of the enemy, noting that Hezbollah deals with such violations very seriously. "The collaborator’s family was responsible for informing the party about their son’s actions."

“He confessed to everything and to what extent he collaborated with Israel,” said Sayyed Nasrallah. “After 32 years of resistance ... and with the expansion of Hezbollah’s structure horizontally and vertically, this is normal,” he said. “We should not treat it as normal, but it is.”

"As the Israeli security violation is serious, Hezbollah achievement of detecting the violation must be hailed."

Asked about some spies from regional Arab countries, His eminence said “individuals working for Arab intelligence agencies have tried to approach officials in the party but they were busted.”

“We discovered during the 2006 war that some Arab security agencies had obtained information about the party and passed them on to the Israelis.”

On the relations with Palestinian factions, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "Hezbollah has not halted communication with the Palestinian resistance factions, and Hamas is trying to reset its relation with the axis of resistance.""We will try to promote these relations in order to fight the Zionist enemy together."

Commenting on the Syrian-Iraqi scene, Hezbollah Secretary General pointed out that the militant groups are unable to defeat  the regular army, adding that dethroning President Bashar Assad can no longer be achieved.

"The Syrian opposition does not have any problem to share President Assad in ruling the country, but the regional intervention and pressure ban this process."

Stressing that any political solution in Syria must include mainly President Assad, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the regular army controls most of the Syrian territories and that ISIL, Nusra Front and the so-called Free Syrian Army hold the rest.

Saudi Arabia's battlefield influence turned to be so meager after the Kingdom committed a major mistake by implementing the Afghani pattern in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.

Hezbollah Secretary General confirmed that Turkey funds and supports ISIL and Nusra that obtain battlefield facilities from the government in Ankara, but he also mentioned the Turkish-Iraqi relations may improve with the advent of the new government in Baghdad.

Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that the International Coalition's air raids against ISIL do not aim at eradicating the terrorist group as the United States is not concerned with achieving this goal on present.

"The Americans aim only at containing ISIL having military bases in Iraq."

Hezbollah SG pointed out that the Iraqis themselves managed to stop ISIL attack on their various cities with the help of their Iranian brethren.

His eminence clarified that the US administration is no longer concerned with excluding President Assad from the political solution in Syria.

Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that Hezbollah considers that President Assad can guarantee the implementation of any political solution in Syria.

"The card of ISIL has been played and exhausted and the terrorist group cannot change the formula. ISIL started to lose its popular incubation in Iraq after massacred even the Muslim Sunnis."

On Bahrain, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the opposition expressed its readiness to reach a political solution with the regime, yet that Saudi Arabia rejected all the regional mediations to end crisis, insisting on ending the peaceful revolution.

"The relation between Hezbollah and the Yemen's Ansarullah is political, not military," Sayyed Nasrallah said, "The party and Iran were not involved in the recent developments in Yemen."

"What happened in Yemen is related exclusively to Ansarullah and its public; however, Hezbollah and Iran did not contribute to the recent developments in that country."

Hezbollah SG considered that a plot was set to subdue Ansarullah which suffered a threat of elimination, so the group reacted.  

Welcoming Egypt's return to play its strategic role in the region, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah supports any Egyptian initiative to end the Syrian crisis.

"Hezbollah has endeavored to communicate with Muslim Brotherhood that has always refrained from following this track and even blocked the Iranian initiatives to promote the mutual relations during Mursi's reign."

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that Iran enjoys prosperous conditions in spite of the Western pressures, adding that the countries who are trying to challenge the Islamic Republic through the nuclear file will collapse and that it will emerge victorious.

Domestically, Sayyed Nasrallah said that he is very optimistic about Hezbollah-Mustaqbal dialogue in order to reach a written agreement, adding that it aims at easing the tensions, activating the governmental efficiency and fighting terrorism which targets everyone across the country.

"Its results appeared following the suicide bombing that rocked the northern city of Tripoli over the weekend. All parties exercised a high level of self-restraint,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding “had it not been for the dialogue, the reaction would have been different.”

 "Hezbollah supports any dialogue among the Lebanese political factions to settle the complicated issues, including the presidential elections,  despite the attempts of the 'hawks' to frustrate this trend in the country," he added.

His eminence also reiterated the party's support for the Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, saying he should be Lebanon's next president.

Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah concluded that the social environment of the resistance supports all its strategic decisions, including the intervention in Syria war.