27-07-2024 07:28 AM Jerusalem Timing

Syrian Army Regains 31 Villages in Hasakah, Chief Inspects Troops in South

Syrian Army Regains 31 Villages in Hasakah, Chief Inspects Troops in South

Syrian Army units continued on Sunday its counterterrorism campaign in several areas across the country, dealing heavy blows to their organizations and rolling back their advances.

Syrian ArmySyrian Army units continued on Sunday its counterterrorism campaign in several areas across the country, dealing heavy blows to their organizations and rolling back their advances.


Units of the army and armed forces killed a number of ISIL terrorists in the eastern province of Hasaka.

Well-informed sources told Al-Manar that the Syrian army regained control over 31 villages in Tal Brak countryside in the province and positioned its troops 2 km away from the town itself.

SANA reporter said the army, also, destroyed ISIL terrorists’ vehicles in the two villages of Abyadh and Dawoodiya, and Milbiya area in the countryside of the eastern province of Hasaka.

The source added that an army unit thwarted an attack launch by ISIL terrorists on Dawoodiya, pointing out that other army units destroyed with artillery fire ISIL gatherings in Milbiya area.

Scores of ISIL terrorists were killed, many others were injured and their vehicles were destroyed during the operation.


A unit of the army and armed forces destroyed a terrorists’ vehicle equipped with a heavy machinegun, leaving all terrorists inside killed in the village of Masshara in the countryside of the southern province of Quneitra.


Army units killed many terrorists in Hanano, al-Sakhour, al-Lairamoun, al-Sheikh Said, Old Aleppo, Maret al-Arteeq, Qafar Hamra, al-Mseibeen and Khan Toman in the northern province of Aleppo.


Units of the army and armed forces killed many terrorists in al-Nashashiyeh, southwest of Hasya, al-Rastan, Talbiseh, al-Mashairfeh al-Shamali and the south of Salam Sharqi in the countryside of the central province of Homs.

Damascus countryside

Units of the army and armed forces tightened control over Rajem al-Sayd area at southwestern of Damascus countryside after killing the last gatherings of al-Nusra Front terrorists in it, according to a military source.

Chief of theChief-of-Staff General Staff of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub on Sunday conducted a field tour of the southern region.

Gen. Ayoub, accompanied by officers from the General Command, inspected military posts in the towns of al-Habbariye, Kherbet Sultana, and Hamrit in Damascus Countryside.

He relayed to the soldiers greetings from President Bashar al-Assad, and was briefed by field commander on the nature of the operations being carried out in the southern region.

Ayoub praised the Syrian Arab Army personnel for the swift and decisive victories they are achieving in the southern region, providing instructions to the personnel who affirmed their commitment to combating terrorism and eliminating it.