27-07-2024 03:38 AM Jerusalem Timing

Hezbollah Defeated the World’s Most Powerful Intelligence Agency, The CIA

Hezbollah Defeated the World’s Most Powerful Intelligence Agency, The CIA

Hezbollah SG Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declares intelligence victory over the US CIA, discovering three cases within group having ties with foreign bodies.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declared on Friday that two Hezbollah members have confessed to have links with the US Central Intelligence Agency. His eminence also said the group was investigating whether a third member of the party had been recruited by the CIA, Israel's Mossad or the intelligence service of a European country.

While noting that the discovery of the three cases constitutes a victory for the Resistance in the face of the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the three mentioned Hezbollah members had no relation at all with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, as some media outlets claimed.

Sayyed Nasrallah was delivering a speech through a large TV screen, broadcast live on Al-Manar Television.

“When the Israeli enemy failed to infiltrate Hezbollah, it turned to the most powerful intelligence agency,” Hezbollah Secretary General said. “What we have today is not a case of spying for the Israeli enemy as been rumored recently,” his eminence insisted.

“Our investigation has found that... intelligence officers (in the CIA) have recruited two of our members separately, whom we shall not name out of respect for the privacy of their families,” Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out.

While emphasizing that two separated cases had been detected having relations with diplomats in the US embassy in Beirut, his eminence said this discovery was a proof that the US Embassy turned to be the center of espionage.

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, the first case - A.B. - had been recruited since five months by a CIA officer, while the second - M.H. - had been recruited before the first. "Both of them confessed to their relations with the CIA after being detected," his eminence said.

While noting that the third - M.A. - had confessed to his security links to a foreign body, Sayyed Nasrallah said the group was still investigating whether he had been recruited by the CIA, Israel's Mossad or the intelligence service of a European country.

Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that these three cases were the only ones within Hezbollah. “If there are more, we have the full courage to admit it,” Sayyed Nasrallah said. “Be confident we have the courage to tell the truth, even if bitter.”

Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed, meanwhile, that none of the three cases is of the first-rank leadership, contrary to the circulated rumors. His eminence added that they also don’t include any cleric. “Some were confused about an arrested cleric; however, everybody knows he has nothing to do with Hezbollah,” his eminence went on to say.

His eminence also said that none of the cases belongs to the persons closed to the Secretary General. "None of these case has to do with the front or the sensitive military units, about which the US and Israel are seeking for collecting information," his eminence added.

Sayyed Nasrallah also reassured the Resistance supporters that none of the cases has sensitive data which could harm the security and military structure of the resistance, as well as its ability of confrontation in any war. His eminence also declared that the three accused have nothing to do with the assassination of the martyr leader Hajj Imad Moghniyeh.

Hezbollah Secretary General also denied rumors that talking about those cases was aimed at reaching to a solution on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. “The three accused have nothing to do with the STL,” his eminence pointed out. “We settled the STL issue since long. The three cases hadn't been mentioned in any report concerning the STL.”

Hezbollah Secretary General, who was speaking for the first time since the formation of the new government, congratulated Lebanese for this development. His eminence said that the government was purely Lebanese, and stressed that it was formed without any foreign intervention.

Sayyed Nasrallah stated that those who oppose the cabinet formation behave according to their hatred.

While recalling that he has called to give Saad Hariri’s government a one-year grace period, Sayyed Nasrallah remarked that the new opposition refused to give the new government, headed by Najib Miqati, a grace period of only one week.

His eminence rejected the claims made by the opposition that the new government was a one-color cabinet. “March 14 bet was that new majority won't be able to form the new cabinet,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence also denied rumors that the cabinet was in fact Hezbollah government. “Attributing government formation to Hezbollah grants us a political privilege. However, it is untrue,” his eminence added. “Our cabinet is constituted of counterbalanced political parties. Hezbollah has only two ministers in the new cabinet; yet, we greatly respect all other ministers.”

Sayyed Nasrallah renewed calls to avoid sectarian incitement for being a double-edged sword, warning the new opposition against betting on the West, and said that this strategy will fail just like it failed in the past. “You have always lived on foreign bets,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, addressing the new opposition. However, his eminence vowed these bets will fail just like they had always failed.

His eminence expressed belief that the new government’s policy statement will be done without obstacles, due to mutual trust amongst ministers. “God willing, the policy statement will be completed and the cabinet will have confidence.”

Sayyed Nasrallah also said that the priority for the cabinet should be to work hard. His eminence called upon all ministers to cooperate, join hands and do their best to serve the country and the people of Lebanon. “We should solve the current issues without being dragged to debates, in which they aim at exhausting us,” his eminence added.

Before ending with the government’s issue, Sayyed Nasrallah saluted Speaker Nabih Berri’s original step, at both the national and Shiite levels, and noted that this step gave the full opportunity for the cabinet's formation. “We will work hard and cooperate with the President, Premier and the ministers to have a successful and useful government which serves our people.”

Addressing the recent Israeli drills, entitled Turning Point 5, Sayyed Nasrallah said that they marked a strategic turning point that started within the Zionist entity following the July 2006 war against Lebanon.

Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that all security and military drills carried out by the enemy are the result of its resounding defeat and the Resistance's victory in July war 2006.

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, "Turning Point 5" is also a decisive Israeli admission that Home Front has become a part of any future war. “This also makes Israel thinks one thousand times before taking any war decision in the future,” his eminence said.

Hezbollah Secretary General, meanwhile, said that "Turning Point 5" is an Israeli admission that its human, military, economic and geographic depth is now threatened and cannot be protected. “The Israeli enemy has therefore perceived that it lost the ability to militarily protect the Home Font and that it is obliged to set plans and scenarios,” his eminence said.

Sayyed Nasrallah also confirmed that "Turning Point 5" is an Israeli admission that Israelis have no capability for fast decisiveness, which signals a strategic modification in the Israeli structure. “The Israeli enemy acknowledges that it is not able anymore to settle the battle within days or even weeks and is speaking of scenarios and procedures to protect the front in a war that could last for many months.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said that "Turning Point 5" definitely determined those considered enemies by Israel. “Israel is frankly speaking of four enemies which are Iran, Syria, the Resistance in Lebanon and the Resistance in Gaza,” his eminence remarked.

While noting that "Turning Point 5" shows that "Israel" aims at defending and protection, Sayyed Nasrallah warned that this was only part of the truth.

“Israel is of an aggressive and offensive nature and has a predominance project in the region. Therefore, we all should be vigilant, alert and alarmed.”

Sayyed Nasrallah, in his speech, warned that working to bring the Syrian regime down is a great service to "Israel" and the US, noting: “Syria is the only reluctant and resistant regime in the Arab world.”

His eminence called upon the resistant, reluctant, and patriotic people of Syria to realize the level of threat targeting their country.

Hezbollah SG went on to say that people of Bahrain are dragged to prisons despite their peaceful opposition, expressing belief that the party sees an impasse with respect to Bahraini crisis.

“Bahraini authority responds to dialogue by exclusion and life-jail sentences, under the international silence,” Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech.