12-02-2025 04:27 PM Jerusalem Timing

Rouhani: Those Who Circumvented Sanctions Need to "Think of another Job"

Rouhani: Those Who Circumvented Sanctions Need to

Iranian President Sheikh Hasan Rouhani warned Tuesday that the middlemen who have circumvented sanctions will need to "think of another job" as a potential final nuclear deal brings changes to Iran’s economy.

Iranian President Sheikh Hasan Rouhani warned Tuesday that the middlemen who have circumvented sanctions will need to "think of another job" as a potential final nuclear deal brings changes to Iran's economy.

At a ceremony in Tehran ahead of Labor Day, Rouhani said: “With the final agreement -- which if the other side has serious determination will be possible in the coming months -- production and the economic situation will be much better.”

Iran President Sheikh Hasan RouhaniThe Iranian president said Iran’s enemies have created two crises. “First, they accused us and said we are after nuclear weapons; and second, they created a wrong mechanism to cripple our banking system, to prevent foreign investment in the country and to impede purchases, exports and sales,” he said, according to Iranian media.

Rouhani explained that, during the nuclear negotiations with world powers, Iran is seeking to achieve two objectives. The first, he said, is to “remove the accusations.”

“We want to prove to the world that those wishing us ill lied to the world; Iran has been after peaceful [nuclear] technology and not building a destructive bomb that - based on the fatwa by Leader (of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei) - is forbidden for us,” Rouhani said.

He was referring to the religious decree issued by Ayatollah Khamenei on February 22, 2012, banning the possession and use of nuclear weapons as “a grave sin” from every logical, religious and theoretical standpoint.

"There should be no bias between men and women. We should create equal work opportunities," he told Labor Minister Ali Rabii at the event.

Iran and the P5+1 – the United States, France, Britain, Russia and China plus Germany – have been negotiating to reach a comprehensive agreement on the peaceful Iranian nuclear work. They reached mutual understanding on the parameters of a comprehensive agreement in the Swiss city of Lausanne on April 2.