11-03-2025 07:03 AM Jerusalem Timing

US, Israelis Plan to Discuss New Arms Deal

US, Israelis Plan to Discuss New Arms Deal

US President Barack Obama and Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will hold a post-row summit Monday to agree on a massive 10 year defense deal.

Zionist PM Benjamin Netanyahu (L), US President Barack Obama (R)US President Barack Obama and Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will hold a post-row summit Monday to agree on a massive 10 year defense deal.

According to media reports, the deal is expected to be worth more than $30 billion which will include a string of advanced weaponry systems. It will not be finalized during the summit and would only come into effect after a current accord expires in 2017.

Moreover, Obama and Netanyahu - aka 'Bibi' within the occupied territories - are expected to discuss commitments that could see the Zionist entity get more than the 33 hi-tech F-35 jets already ordered, precision munitions and a chance to buy V-22 Ospreys and other weapons systems designed to ensure the Zionist military edge over its neighbors.

The F-35 is the only aircraft able to counter the S-300 surface-to-air missile system that Russia has suggested it may sell to Tehran.

Officials said the Zionist entity may also seek to ensure that other US allies in the region do not get the F-35.

Netanyahu's visit to the US, senior Obama national security aide Ben Rhodes said, "would be an opportunity to discuss and hear from Israel its assessment of its security challenges and the related security needs it has... whether it is something like the F-35 or a variety of others."

During his last trip to Washington in March, the Zionist PM found the door of the White House slammed firmly shut, with Obama refusing to meet him.

The White House had been infuriated by Netanyahu's decision to appear in Congress at Republicans' invitation and urge US lawmakers to vote against the nuclear deal with Iran.

He will try to make amends in part by addressing the Center for American Progress, a Washington think-tank with close ties to the White House and the Democratic Party.

Amid an uptick in violence between Palestinians and the Zionists, Obama will also be looking for Netanyahu to recommit to a peace process centered around a two-state solution.