27-07-2024 03:00 AM Jerusalem Timing

Azhar Imam Says Cannot Accuse ISIL of Blasphemy since Operatives Believe in God

Azhar Imam Says Cannot Accuse ISIL of Blasphemy since Operatives Believe in God

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayyeb, Imam of Al-Azhar religious complex in Egypt, said he cannot accuse ISIL of blasphemy.

Azhar Imam Ahmed TayyebSheikh Ahmed Al-Tayyeb, Imam of Al-Azhar religious complex in Egypt, said he cannot accuse the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' (ISIL) takfiri group of blasphemy, expressing that the issue depends on "believing in God, and the belief requires believing in God, His Messenger, and His acts."

During his participation in an open meeting with Cairo University students Tuesday, Sheikh Tayyeb stated that Prophet Mohammad had defined how to be a believer and how to turn to a disbeliever.

According to Al-Ahram Gate newspaper, Tayyeb, who was answering a question by a student at the university, said that Al-Azhar does not sentence anyone for blasphemy even if he committed evil openly, adding that ISIL group has faith but is committing sins.

"So we can accuse it of adultery and immorality, but not of being takfiri," he said.

Tayyeb remarks came after the ISIL-affiliate groups committed various terrorist attacks in Egypt's Sinai, in parallel with ISIL suicide and terrorists attacks in the rest of regional countries, including Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.