27-07-2024 06:45 AM Jerusalem Timing

Yemenis Hold Nationwide Rallies to Denounce Year-Long Saudi Aggression

Yemenis Hold Nationwide Rallies to Denounce Year-Long Saudi Aggression

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, and other cities to denounce Saudi Arabia’s year-long aggression against the impoverished nation.

RalliesThousands of people have taken to the streets in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, and other cities to denounce Saudi Arabia’s year-long aggression against the impoverished nation.

Protesters gathered at Saba’een Square of the capital city on Saturday to slam the Saudi military campaign that has left about 9,400 people dead since March 26, 2015.

“Together against the tyrannical Saudi aggression,” read a large banner in the hand of the demonstrators as Saudi warplanes were flying overhead, reportedly breaking the sound barrier to frighten the protesters.

Yemen has been since March 26, 2015 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition.

Thousands have been martyred and injured in the attack, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to fugitive president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.

However, Yemeni army, backed by the committees has been engaged in battles with Saudi-led mercenaries and Hadi’s militias in several areas across the country.