02-06-2024 10:59 AM Jerusalem Timing

Hezbollah: Resistance First Sensed, Struck Takfiri Danger

Hezbollah: Resistance First Sensed, Struck Takfiri Danger

The political aide of Hezbollah Secretary General Hajj Hussein al-Khalil said that the Resistance was the first who sensed the danger of the takfiri groups and struck it

Al-KhalilThe political aide of Hezbollah Secretary General Hajj Hussein al-Khalil said that the Resistance was the first who sensed the danger of the takfiri groups and struck it, asserting that had not the party confronted the terrorists in Syria, Lebanon would not have witnessed the stability required to conduct the democratic events.

Hajj Al-Khalil added that all the states that opposed Hezbollah intervention in Syria to fight takfiri militants joined the counterterrorist campaign two years later, maintaining that the Resistance disregarded all those local and international voices and concentrated on achieving its goals.

Locally, Hajj Al-Khalil called on tackling the basic life issues of the Lebanese, including the trash crisis, skin trade and the illegal internet.

Hajj Al-Khalil delivered his statements during Hezbollah ceremony to set the administration of the municipal elections, calling on the proponents of the Resistance to reiterate tehir support during the democratic.