27-07-2024 03:46 AM Jerusalem Timing

Egypt Court to Rule on Mursi Espionage Charges

Egypt Court to Rule on Mursi Espionage Charges

An Egyptian court is set to deliver its verdict and sentence on Saturday in the trial of ousted president Mohamad Mursi

An Egyptian court is set to deliver its verdict and sentence on Saturday in the trial of ousted president Mohamad Mursi, who is charged with spying for Qatar.
courtIf he is convicted it would be Mursi's fourth sentence. He has already been sentenced in three separate trials to death, a life term and 20 years in prison.
Qatar was one of Mursi's main backers and Cairo accuses Doha of supporting the Islamist's outlawed Muslim Brotherhood movement.

On Saturday, the court will rule on whether he and 10 co-defendants had leaked "classified documents" to Qatar, as the prosecution charges.
The documents allegedly contained secrets on "national security," and were allegedly traded with Qatari intelligence for a million dollars.

A court in 2015 sentenced Mursi to death over the prison breaks and attacks on police stations during the 2011 uprising.