27-07-2024 03:03 AM Jerusalem Timing

The ’Unspoken Truth’ in Aleppo: Global Research

The ’Unspoken Truth’ in Aleppo: Global Research

Fighting in Aleppo escalated in late April between the Syrian army and its allies, and the Takfiri insurgents. Heavy propaganda accompanies the fighting, claiming that the Syrian army is targeting civilians in Syria’s second city.

Fighting in Aleppo escalated in late April between the Syrian army and its allies, and the Takfiri insurgents. Heavy propaganda accompanies the fighting, claiming that the Syrian army is targeting civilians in Syria's second city.

However, a report by the Global Research discloses the ties between NGOs and Takfiri groups in Aleppo.Aleppo

"Western media now claim that Aleppo’s citizens are under threat from the Syrian Army, while Syrian sources show civilians, reeling from constant mortar attacks, demanding that the Army roots out all terrorist groups," the report said.

" Washington uses proxy NGOs alongside proxy militia, to maintain the fiction that the Syrian Army does nothing but attack Syrian civilians."

Global Research noted that a prominent NGO, ‘The White Helmets’ aka ‘Syrian Civil Defense’, become a principal source of claims that Syrian and Russian planes are targeting hospitals.

"In fact ‘The White Helmets’, which claims to be independent, is a Wall Street creation, led by former British soldier James le Mesurier, co-funded by the US Government and embedded with the terrorist organization Jabhat al Nusra, banned by the UN Security Council," according to the report.

Every attack on al Nusra is thus portrayed as an attack on ‘civilians’ and clinics, or on emergency health workers. Much the same applies to Medicin Sans Frontiers (MSF), which funds al Nusra clinics (mostly without foreign volunteers) in several terrorist held areas, Global Research reported.

"The contradiction in US policy and practice was recently highlighted when the Syrian head of TWH, Raed Saleh, travelled to receive a humanitarian award, but was refused permission to enter the US and was sent back to Istanbul. The likely reason was Saleh’s notorious association with Jabhat al Nusra."

Head of the US military General Martin Dempsey and Vice President Joe Biden admitted in 2014 that close US allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar were financing  Takfirii group ISIL, along with all the other armed groups, in an attempt to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.