27-07-2024 02:42 AM Jerusalem Timing

Saudi-backed Delegation Deliberately Obstructs Yemen’s Talks in Kuwait

Saudi-backed Delegation Deliberately Obstructs Yemen’s Talks in Kuwait

Yemeni sources asserted that the Saudi-backed delegation deliberately absented itself deliberately from the meeting of the hostages committee which was scheduled to convene on Tuesday at Bayan Palace in Kuwait.

TalksYemeni sources asserted that the Saudi-backed delegation deliberately absented itself from the meeting of the hostages committee which was scheduled to convene on Tuesday at Bayan Palace in Kuwait.

The session was set to examine the lists of the hostages, according to the same sources which added that the Saudi military violations across the Yemeni provinces accompanied the political obstruction for the talks.

The UN-sponsored peace talks between the Yemeni parties in Kuwait were resumed on Monday after a six-day stop due to the Saudi-backed delegation deliberate absence.

Yemen has been since March 26, 2015 under brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition.

Thousands have been martyred and injured in the attack, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to fugitive Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.