27-07-2024 03:25 AM Jerusalem Timing

Hezbollah, Syrian Army Strike Terrorists in Aleppo, Qalamoun

Hezbollah, Syrian Army Strike Terrorists in Aleppo, Qalamoun

Hezbollah and the Syrian army managed on Thursday to completely control Mallah Farms in Aleppo northern countryside, blocking a key support route to the terrorists.

Mallah FarmsHezbollah and the Syrian army managed on Thursday to completely control Mallah Farms in Aleppo northern countryside, blocking a key support route to the terrorists.

Castello road which was used by the terrorist groups as strategic and vital way to the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, was militarily controlled and blocked by the Resistance and the Syrian army.

In Qalamoun barrens in Damascus countryside, Hezbollah and the Syrian army repelled a major attack launched by the terrorist groups, including Nusra Front (Qaeda branch in the Levant).

Two major Nusra commanders were killed during the fierce clashes which erupted in the area, according to well informed sources.

In this context, Hezbollah military media denied that a number of his fighters were martyred or captivated in Qalamoun

The Syrian army also foiled an attack by ISIL terrorists on a number of military posts in Deir Ezzor, according to SANA.