27-07-2024 03:00 AM Jerusalem Timing

Hezbollah Condemns Targeting Iraq Shrine, Calls for Unity to Eradicate Terrorism

Hezbollah Condemns Targeting Iraq Shrine, Calls for Unity to Eradicate Terrorism

Hezbollah denounced the crime, committed by the terrorist at Sayyed Mohammed Shrine in Balad in Iraq, which claimed scores of innocent civilians.

HezbollahHezbollah denounced the crime, committed by the terrorist at Sayyed Mohammed Shrine in Balad in Iraq, which claimed scores of innocent civilians.

In a statement issued on Friday, Hezbollah considered that this new crime confirms that the terrorists' murder crimes target in an undistinguishing way the Muslims and the Christians as well as the Sunnites and the Shiites without minding the sanctity of blood, time and place.

Hezbollah pointed out that targeting a sacred place where Holy God is worshipped reflects the contempt of those criminals for the sanctities, as they dared to attack The Messenger of Allah's Mosque in Medina in addition to many other mosques as well as churches and to victimize the innocent civilians.

Hezbollah also called on some parties to avoid betting on terrorism to achieve partisan gains and to stop providing the terrorists with materialistic and moral support, highlighting the necessity of unity to eradicate and prevent the extensive spread of the malevolent ideas and acts which strike the entire humanity.

Hezbollah finally offered deep condolences to the Iraqi religious references, government and people, hoping that Holy God grant the martyrs His mercy and the wounded a speedy recovery.     

Iraqi forces had foiled on the same day an attack carried out by Takfiri ISIL terrorists who were planning to destroy an Iraqi shrine north of Baghdad. The attack which killed 35 people and injured 45 others, was aimed at destroying the Sayyed Mohammed Shirne in Balad.

It is worth noting that Sayyed Mohammad Shrine refers to the son of Imam Ali al-Hadi (P) who is the tenth  of Twelve Imams of the Shia.