27-07-2024 06:29 AM Jerusalem Timing

Egypt FM to Meet Zionist PM in Rare Visit

Egypt FM to Meet Zionist PM in Rare Visit

Egypt’s foreign minister is to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday on the first such visit to the Zionist entity in nearly a decade that is the latest sign of warming ties.

Egypt's foreign minister is to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday on the first such visit to the Zionist entity in nearly a decade that is the latest sign of warming ties.

The trip comes amid talk of reviving an Arab ‘peace’ initiative with the Palestinians and with the Israeli military having recently saluted "unprecedented" intelligence cooperation with Egypt to combat extremists of ISIL.

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry was to hold "lengthy talks" with Netanyahu on ‘reviving the talks with the Palestinians’, an Egyptian foreign ministry statement alleged.

Shoukry's trip to ‘Israel’ comes after he visited the West Bank city of Ramallah on June 29 for talks with Palestinian leaders.

Netanyahu confirmed the visit at the start of a cabinet meeting Sunday and said the last such trip by an Egyptian foreign minister was in 2007.

There would be two meetings -- one Sunday afternoon and one in the evening.

"This visit is important for several reasons," said Netanyahu.

"It reflects the change in relations between Israel and Egypt, including President Sisi's important call to advance the peace process with the Palestinians and with Arab countries."