27-07-2024 03:40 AM Jerusalem Timing

Sayyed Nasrallah: 2006 War Hit Zionist Entity’s Spirit, Arrogance, Existence

Sayyed Nasrallah: 2006 War Hit Zionist Entity’s Spirit, Arrogance, Existence

As he stressed that the defeat era has gone, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the Zionist entity was hit during 2006 war in its spirit, arrogance and existence.

As he stressed that the defeat era has gone, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the Zionist entity was hit during 2006 war in its spirit, arrogance and existence.

Sayyed NasrallahAddressing crowds who were marking the tenth anniversary of July victory in the southern town of Bint Jbeil, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled his famous saying that “Israel is weaker than spider web.”

The resistance leader said that the resistance had foiled the goals of the Israeli aggression in 2006 war, detailing the strategic military achievements secured following July war.

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the resistance rockets can reach everywhere in the occupied territories.

On the other hand, Hezbollah Chief stressed that the US has created the Takfiri ISIL group in a bid to crush the resistance, after they had failed to do so in 2006.

Sayyed Nasrallah also vowed that Hezbollah will go on with its battles especially in the Syria’s city of Aleppo.

2006 War Historical Event to Zionists

After he thanked all those who stood by resistance in July, 2006 war, Sayyed Nasrallah said that this event is considered as historical one by Zionists, noting that many of the Israeli officials have been interested in talking about the decisive repercussions of this war.

“When we talk about victory in July war we shall talk about main title, which is foiling the goals of the Israeli aggression.”

Sayyed Nasrallah summed up the goals of the Israeli aggression in 2006 as saying that the US-Israeli aggression was aimed at crushing the resistance after disarming it, excluding Hezbollah from the local and political life in Lebanon, turning the area south of Litani river into a buffer zone, and deploying multinational force in the country’s south and along the border with Syria.

Meanwhile, the main goal was to establish the so-called “new Middle East” in the region, Sayyed Nasrallah elaborated.

Decisive Repercussions

On the other hand, Hezbollah Chief said: “there is another phase of July war that we shall talk about, which is the repercussions.”

Of these repercussions are the losses which were inflicted upon the Israeli military institution. These losses led to distrust between the army, political command and the Israeli people, something which has decisive effects on the Zionist entity, Sayyed Nasrallah said.

The resistance leader said that following July war the Israeli military doctrine set by [founder of the Zionist entity David] Ben Gurion has fallen.

“This doctrine which is based on securing swift victories, calm home front and fighting within the enemy’s land has fallen, both July and Gaza wars proved this,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

His eminence also stressed that questions on the Zionist entity’s existence has been raised following July war, citing quotes by Israeli officials who were alarmed by the resistance capabilities which pose threat to Tel Aviv.

“(Benjamin) Netanyahu said that following July war things changed and it’s clear now that Israel is no longer an invincible state,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated, adding that the Israeli PM said that the Zionist entity’s allies and enemies are raising questions on its existence.

Next War?!

Sayyed Nasrallah also quoted Israeli president Reuven Rivlin's saying on the existance of the Zionist entity.

"We know that the next war, if imposed, will be harsh. However we will have the upper hand O friends, because there will be no another war," Hezbollah S.G. cited the Israeli president.

Sayyed Nasrallah mwanwhile, quoted former Israeli president Shimon Peres as telling Winograd commission which was tasked with assessing July war: "Before this war, the Arab world has recognized Israel. But now, and following this retreat, the statement of 'there is no military solution' means that Israel will not be able to exist in the region."

“Of the repercussions also is that the deterrence of the resistance was bolstered, in which there has been a mutual deterrence between the Zionist entity and the resistance, and this is reality that many Israeli officials talk about. Netanyahu’s remarks few days ago about the relative calm on Israel’s borders prove this reality,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

“The common factor in all these repercussions is that July war hit Israel’s spirit, arrogance, will, trust and existence," Sayyed Nasrallah stated.

“Israel Weaker Than Spider Web”

Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Israeli enemy has been for decades waging a psychological war in which it convinced the Arabs that ‘Israel’ is invincible; stressing that following July war this theory was over.

“In 2000, I said that ‘Israel’ is weaker than a spider web. This statement was kept in the Israelis’ memories, and July war came to confirm this reality.”

Sayyed Nasrallah stated that Bint Jbeil battle during July war was part of the resistance’s counter psychological war.

“The army of spider web was not able to get into the stadium of Beint Jbeil and confront my saying,” Sayyed Nasrallah addressed cheering crowds in the southern town which witnessed heroic battles between the resistance fighters and the Israeli soldier.

The resistance leader meanwhile, stressed that the victory in 2006 has established deterrence equation between the resistance and the Zionist entity, stressing that this equation was set by the resistance and only the resistance.

On the other hand, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Israeli enemy “nowadays fears the resistance’s occupation of Galilee.”

US Created ISIL

Hezbollah Chief urged the Lebanese and people in the region to watch the remarks of US officials nowadays, noting that these officials are blaming each others for creating the Takfiri group ISIL.

“Who can imagine that the US can’t know who is behind sending money and arms to the terrorists in Syria and Iraq?” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, stressing that Washington created ISIL in a bid to crush the resistance.

“The US created ISIL after it failed to destroy the resistance in July war. Washington did so in a bid to hit the axis of resistance and especially Hezbollah.”

“After the “new Middle East” scheme failed and after the US could not change the equation in Afghanistan and Iraq, Washington relied on its plan of proxy war,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, stressing that by this plan the US wanted to get rid of both the Takfiri groups and the resistance.

Hezbollah S.G. meanwhile, called on the Takfiris to stop their fight which is in favor of the US and the Zionist entity.

Future of Region Is RESISTANCE

Sayyed Nasrallah also stressed that the resistance will go on with its battles in the region, especially that in Aleppo, noting that “we have no other choice.”

“The future in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and the entire region is resistance. Defeat era has gone, it's the time of victories.”

On the Lebanese issue, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated Hezbollah’s commitment to elect MP General Michel Aoun for presidency. His eminence noted that Hezbollah’s only candidate for speaker post was and will still the current Speaker, Nabih Berri.

Sayyed Nasrallah also urged the government to bear its responsibility in dealing with the Lebanese issues, stressing that Lebanon should take decision to start drilling for gas and oil.

Humiliation.. How Remote!

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled an incident which took place in July war as saying:

"In Ashura, we all chant the famous saying of Imam Hussein (A.S.) when he was given two choices: either to fight Yazid's army or to surrender. We repeat this saying but without  fully understanding it."

"In the first week of the war, mediators told us that the US, Israel and the entire world behind them have taken the decision to crush the resistance. They offered us a package that we have fto agree upon in order for the war to be stopped. This package was: handing over the resistance's weapons, dissolving the resistance organization, deploying multinational forces along the Lebanese border and handing over the two Israelis captives without any condition."

"When I was discussing this issue with my brothers in the resistance... In that moment we all recalled Imam Hussein's stance when he said: ' Beware! Now this illegitimate son of the illegitimate father (Ubaydullah bin Ziyad) has stationed me between unsheathing the swords or then bear humiliation, and far be it that we accept humiliation. Verily Allah, His Prophet, and the Sacred Laps which have nursed us, the modest and those who abhor disgrace, disagree to it that we bow down to the ignoble men, and they exhort us to being killed manly in the battlefield over it.'"

Sayyed Nasrallah then assured that "defeat era has gone, it's the time of victories."