27-07-2024 02:58 AM Jerusalem Timing

Iraq MPs Approve Five New Ministers after Long Delay

Iraq MPs Approve Five New Ministers after Long Delay

Iraq’s parliament on Monday approved five new ministers after months of delay and repeated setbacks to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s efforts to replace the cabinet.

Iraq's parliament on Monday approved five new ministers after months of delay and repeated setbacks to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's efforts to replace the cabinet.

Lawmakers signed off on Abadi's nominees to head the ministries of oil, transport, higher education, construction and housing, and water resources, but rejected the nominee for trade minister, according to a televised recording of the session.Iraq cabinet

The newly-approved ministers then took the oath of office in front of parliament.

Four of the five new ministers were the same as had been approved by lawmakers earlier in the year at a session that was later scrapped by a court ruling that dealt a blow to Abadi.

"Our campaign for reform continues, the appointment of new technocrat ministers is one step forward," Abadi said on his official Twitter account.

But even with new ministers, addressing the widespread corruption, nepotism and incompetence that plagues Iraq's government will be an extremely difficult task that will likely take years.