27-07-2024 05:30 AM Jerusalem Timing

Russia Calls on Turkey to Coordinate anti-Terrorism Operations with Syria

Russia Calls on Turkey to Coordinate anti-Terrorism Operations with Syria

Russia’s foreign ministry expressed deep concern on Wednesday at Turkey’s military operation in Syria, warning of rising tension over Ankara’s targeting of Kurdish militia fighters at the border.

Russian Foreign MinistryRussia's foreign ministry expressed deep concern on Wednesday at Turkey's military operation in Syria, warning of rising tension over Ankara's targeting of Kurdish militia fighters at the border.

"We are deeply concerned at what is happening in the Syrian-Turkish border area," the ministry said in a statement, warning this could lead to "further degeneration of the situation in the conflict zone."

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the Turkish regime to coordinate the fight against terrorism with the Syrian government on the border between the two countries.

A diplomatic source in the ministry said that the Russian officials see the importance of the fight against terrorism in the border areas between Syria and Turkey more than ever, but at the same time they emphasize the importance of coordinating Ankara’s activities with Damascus because that is the most important factor in the effectiveness of these actions.

Earlier on Wednesday, Turkish tanks and armored vehicles crossed the Syrian-Turkish borders towards Jarablus city under cover of the US-led alliance’s air forces in order to wrest the city from the control of ISIL terrorist organization and deliver it to other terrorist groups that operate under the command of Washington and Ankara.