27-07-2024 11:36 AM Jerusalem Timing

Hezbollah Strikes Takfiris in Arsal

Hezbollah Strikes Takfiris in Arsal

Hezbollah fighters ambushed a group of militants belonging to Jabhat Fatah al-Sham outside the northeastern border town of Arsal Friday

Hezbollah fighters ambushed a group of militants belonging to Jabhat Fatah al-Sham outside the northeastern border town of Arsal Friday.

Hezbollah fightersAt least one Takfiri terrorist was killed in the attack which also injured several others, Hezbollah military media reported.

It released a brief video showing fighters firing mortar bombs and a rocket at targets in the barren area.

Also on Friday, it was reported that Lebanon’s army had arrested a man suspected of being the leader of an ISIL smuggling ring in Lebanon, near the northern border town of Wadi Khaled.

Separately, Lebanese state media reported that army intelligence had arrested two men accused of manufacturing and detonating bombs in northern Lebanon.