27-07-2024 09:59 AM Jerusalem Timing

Ansarullah Delegation Visits Iraq, Iran

Ansarullah Delegation Visits Iraq, Iran

A delegation of Yemeni revolutionary group, Ansarullah, has traveled to Iraq to meet senior Iraqi officials.

A delegation of Yemeni revolutionary group, Ansarullah, has traveled to Iraq to meet senior Iraqi officials as part of lobbying efforts to gain international recognition for a political body formed by Ansarullah and allied factions to run Yemen.

According to Yemen’s al-Masirah news website, the official Ansarullah delegation headed by the movement’s spokesman, Mohammed Abdulsalam, arrived in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on Sunday evening.Ansarullah delegation visits Iraq

The delegates are scheduled to meet with Iraq’s Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and a number of other Iraqi officials and political leaders.

The delegation plans to visit several other countries in the region as well including Iran, according to the report.

Besides gaining recognition for the Yemeni Supreme Political Council, the visits are also aimed at briefing regional governments about the latest atrocities by Saudi Arabia in its war against Yemen, the recent negotiations between Yemen’s warring parties in Kuwait, and means of supporting the Yemeni people in the face of an all-out siege imposed by Riyadh on Yemen.

The Yemeni delegation had been in Kuwait City for the negotiations, which were held by former Yemeni officials now under Saudi instruction. Riyadh has prevented the Yemeni delegation at the talks from returning to Yemen three weeks after the fruitless end of the negotiations in Kuwait.

In its latest military strikes against Yemen, Saudi Arabia on Sunday pounded areas across Yemen, leaving scores of people dead and injured.

In retaliation for the Saudi strikes, Yemeni army snipers allied with Ansarullah and Popular Committees — armed groups formed to fight back the Saudi invaders — killed two Saudi soldiers in a military base in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern region of Jizan.