27-07-2024 03:41 AM Jerusalem Timing

Syria Opposition Group Boycotts Tunis Meeting, Rejects Escalated Militarization

Syria Opposition Group Boycotts Tunis Meeting, Rejects Escalated Militarization

A Syrian opposition group announced it was boycotting the international "Friends of Syria" conference in Tunis, as it complained of exclusion and fearing escalated militarization.

A Syrian opposition group announced it was boycotting the international "Friends of Syria" conference in Tunis, as it complained of exclusion and fearing escalated militarization.

The National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change (NCCDC) denounced “attempts to leave the door open to militaries” the unrest in Syria.

"We have seen a dangerous trend towards ... specifying who represents the Syrian people ... leaving the issue of armament vague and opening the door to accept the idea of foreign military intervention," a statement said.

haytham manna
Haytham Manna, head of NCCDC delegation to Tunis

All that came "despite assurances from the Tunisian President (Moncef Marzouki) that opposition groups will be treated equally and that there will not be recognition of one party at the expense of the others, and that foreign military intervention is a red line and that increasing militarization is dangerous."

The NCCDC had already sent a delegation to Tunis, headed by prominent Paris-based figure Haitham Manna.

Headed by Hassan Abdel Azim, the NCCDC strongly opposes a Libya-style military intervention in Syria to topple the Assad regime. 

A draft final declaration of the Tunis meeting calls for the Arab League to convene a meeting of the Syrian opposition and praises the Syrian National Council (SNC), formed in exile.

But it does not appear to give the SNC exclusive recognition, calling it only "a legitimate representative of Syrians seeking peaceful democratic change."