27-07-2024 06:00 AM Jerusalem Timing

Israel Prepares for Confronting “Flytilla”

Israel Prepares for Confronting “Flytilla”

Israel has begun its preparations for the fly in of hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists expected to arrive at Ben Gurion airport.

Israel has begun its preparations for the fly in of hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists expected to arrive at Ben Gurion airport in the occupied territories this weekend with the solidarity campaign “Welcome to Palestine”.

"We have made arrangements and are prepared for this operation, which is expected to begin from Sunday," Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.

For his part, Israel's Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch supervised Monday a meeting for the security forces that will be in charge of the operation at Ben Gurion, including airport authorities, immigration officials and police.

"No provocation will be tolerated," Israeli media quoted him telling his forces.

“As any other country would do, Israel will stop hostile elements from entering its territory,” he added.

The "Welcome to Palestine" campaign, also known as "flytilla," is taking place for the third year, and includes hundreds of activists mainly from European countries.

According to AFP, “Israeli media said security forces estimate some 2,500 activists will try to arrive at Ben Gurion.”